11 Apr Creating a Do Not Move Zone

Moving Checklist
On moving day, it’s not uncommon to lose track of essential items like closing documents or medication. Avoid this unnecessary stress by creating a designated area for items that the moving crew should not take. Creating a ‘Do Not Move’ zone is a must for your moving preparation. It ensures personal documents, money, medications, passports, etc. are not mistakenly moved.
Use a separate room or closet as your ‘Do Not Move’ zone. Place a ‘Do Not Move’ sign on the door and point this out to crew lead during your pre-move walkthrough.
If a separate room isn’t available, designate an area within a room as your ‘Do Not Move’ zone. Place items that should not move into this area of the room. Leave a clear separation between items to move and items not to move.
Creating a ‘Do Not Move’ zone is just one many things we recommend on our moving checklist that will have your prepared come moving day. Click here to view the full checklist.
Other general tips to prepare you for your next move.